As your financial family for life, we want to help keep you safe from fraud!

Protect yourself from scams

Play it safedon't provide personal financial information to unknown or unfamiliar recipients. 
Scammers use emails and texts to try to get access to personal information, such as passwords, account numbers, or Social Security numbers.
Phishing emails and text messages can seem like they're from a legitimate company or person. However, these messages often contain malicious software in the form of attachments and links. Once you open them, the malicious software enters your computer and begins stealing your private information. 
Bogus Debt 
Scammers send threatening letters demanding that potential victims make a payment on a nonexistent debt. 

Scammers do this with the knowledge that some potential victims will be scared into paying the debt. 
Counterfeit Check 
Scammers send counterfeit checks to potential victims and then trick them into depositing it into their bank account.
Once the money is deposited, the scammer will provide instructions asking for some or all of the money to be returned. The fraudster will ask the victim to return the money by wire transfers, gift cards, Cash App, Zelle, or other methods.
Caller ID Spoofing
Caller ID Spoofing is when a caller falsifies the information transmitted to your caller ID.
The fake caller ID allows the caller to disguise their identity and trick you into giving them personal information.

How to Tell if Communication from Pelican Is Real

Pelican will NEVER call, email, or contact you to ask for your username, password, or other online banking credentials. Pelican will NEVER contact you to ask for your credit or debit card number, PIN, or 3-digit security code.
All of your transactions are monitored 24/7, and you will be notified of any suspicious activity for verification. Card controls are available through our mobile app, which allows you to freeze and unfreeze your card when not in use.

List of Reported Scams and Compromises

One of the best ways to avoid fraud is to know what's out there, and we make sure to help you every step of the way.
Zelle Text Scam

Members have reported receiving a text asking for verification of a transaction. Once they reply "No," they receive a call from a fraudster asking for information. The fraudster then sends a link.

Once the link is clicked, the fraudster gains access to the member's phone, allowing them to change the member's information and send fraudulent Zelle transactions.

example scam text message
Phishing Text Scam 
We have recently received reports of members receiving text messages with misspellings from an unknown number with Pelican State Credit Union in the message.
The link included in the text message and number that the text is coming from is in no way affiliated with Pelican State Credit Union.

Counterfeit Check Scam
We have received reports that fraudulent Pelican State Credit Union official checks are going around. Scammers are attempting to trick people through a counterfeit check that appears to be an official check from Pelican.

The scammers are sending the check along with a letter containing instructions on how to deposit it. The instructions include sending personal and account information directly to the scammer, and the scammer's hope is that the victim attempts to deposit the check by following the instructions.

Mocapay Email
We have recently received reports that some of our members are receiving emails from "Mocapay" mentioning Pelican. The subject line says, "Important Information from Pelican State - Please Read."

The email explains that "Your new Pelican State MOCA Prime Debit Card is unlike any debit card you've ever carried."

Keep Yourself Safe in Cyberspace

An important part of online safety is knowledge. The more you know, the safer you'll be. 
Set Secure Passwords
  • Set a password with a a long combination of upper and lowercase letters and numbers.
  • Make your password hard to guess.
  • Change your password frequently.
  • Don't write it down or share it with others.
Don't Reveal Personal Information via Email or Text
  • Don't send your personal information such as account numbers, Social Security numbers, and passwords via email or text.
Don't Download that File
  • Before opening a file, make sure you know the sender and that the email address they're sending it from is correct.
  • Avoid opening files from emails you don't recognize.
  • Make sure you have a good antivirus program on your computer that is up-to-date.
Links and Websites aren't Always What They Seem
  • Never login from a link that is embedded in an email message.
  • Remember that a website may look like the correct one when in fact it's not.
  • Take time to verify that the link or website you're visiting matches exactly with the URL that you'd expect.

Monitoring account activity is the best way to assess your risk!

Stop those annoying phone calls and emails!

National Do Not Call Registry

Call 888-382-1222, OR

Opt Out of Prescreened Offers

Call 888-567-8688, OR

Do You Think You've Been Targeted? 

Rights and Responsibilities

With respect to online banking and electronic fund transfers, the Federal government has put in place rights and responsibilities for both you and the credit union. These rights and responsibilities are described in the Account Information Disclosures you received when you opened your account with Pelican State Credit Union. Ultimately, if you notice suspicious account activity or experience security-related events, please contact the credit union immediately at 1-800-351-4877.