The time to instill the importance of financial wellness in your children is now, and Pelican has the resources to help you teach your child good financial habits. For the month of April, kids can open a Team Pelican Youth Savings Account or make a deposit into their existing account and be entered to win a pair of Beats headphones or an Amazon Fire tablet!*

Project ACCOUNTability Learning Hub

Our FREE online financial education lessons can help teens start their financial journey. We make it easy and FUN for teens to learn how to manage their finances. Learn more about smart budgeting, saving, and investing today!

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Pelican State of Mind Blog
Learning financial wellness at a younger age sets your child up for financial success as they get older. Learn tips from our Nationally Certified Credit Counselors to get them on the right path!

Saving money to buy something they desire is an excellent way to teach kids about setting financial goals! They will be able to watch their savings grow over time and reap the amazing reward of their goal in the end!

Get tips on managing expenses, preparing for unexpected emergencies, saving for the future, and doing it all while creating special memories with your children!

 Working from home with children can be tough, these resources are available to keep children continue their education in their downtime. 
Our Financial Outreach team provides classroom financial education programs for Louisiana schools! The best part is that there is NO COST to the school for this service.

If you're looking for a field trip or financial curriculum for your class, we can help!

1 Pelican State CU membership and Team Pelican Youth Savings Account required to open a checking account for a minor. If you are not a Pelican member, you must be eligible to open a primary savings account with Pelican to become one. The deposit to open a primary savings account starts at a minimum of $10 ($5 to join + $5 minimum balance). A minimum deposit of $25 is required to open Kasasa Cash or Kasasa Cash Back account. Must be 13-17 years of age to qualify. The purchase limit on teen debit cards is set to $250/day, and the ATM limit is set to $105/day. Parent/guardian must be listed on the teen's card. Overdraft Privilege will automatically be turned off and is not permitted on these cards/accounts; an overdraft link to a line of credit, credit card, or savings account is permitted at the parent/guardian's request. Teens will be asked to provide a photo ID if they have one. The teen MUST sign the membership application in order to be issued a card. Not everyone will qualify. Pelican reserves the right to limit the number of accounts allowed per member, joint or individually. 

Two winners will be chosen, who will each win one of the following prizes: One (1) Pelican State CU Teen Checking Accountholder will receive one (1) pair of Beats Headphones, and One (1) Pelican State CU Team Pelican Accountholder (excluding Teen Checking Accountholders) will win one (1) Amazon Fire Tablet. 

There are two methods for entry:
1. If the entrant is not a current member of Pelican State Credit Union, opening a Team Pelican or Teen Checking account and making the required initial deposit for that account will equal 1 entry. Limit of one entry per person using method 1. 
2. For existing members or once the entrant has completed method 1, depositing $5 or more into their Team Pelican or Teen Checking account will equal 1 entry. Limit of one entry per day for method 2.